About Us

This is the directory for the IDC 6146 group: The CLIP Chronicles. Thank you for stopping by our page!

Chinmay Shah, M.S.

Contributions: Worked on writing the code and replication of the results section to train the model on a subset of data. Additionally worked on writing the Methodology section and the replication of the results part of the report and formatting of the report.

Contact Chinmay

Joshua J. Cook, M.S., ACRP-PM, CCRC

Contributions: Provided the project outline based on previous papers and literature review. Wrote the introduction/related work section. Developed  initial code and accuracy data for implementing and training CLIP on the initial dataset. Contributed to potential applications of CLIP, with a focus on healthcare/medicine. Developed the project website.

Contact Josh

Praya Cheekapara, B.S.

Contributions: Impact and Critical Assessment(analysis), Replication and Extension of Results.Worked on written portion of this section in the paper and classification examples (4.3).

Contact Praya

Moise Brutus, B.S.

Contributions: Worked on the limitation and conclusion sections. Was responsible for finding and writing a script for the dataset section. Created the Discord server to facilitate group communication/group meetings.

Contact Moise

Shusen Pu, Ph.D.

Contributions: Professor and mentor throughout the course and project.

Contact Dr. Pu